Learning from history — experience of totalitarian regimes of the 20th century

The website "Learning from History" is a publication platform for educational projects dedicated to the history of Poland and its neighbors in the 20th century and human rights

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ONLINE-SYMPOSIUM / digital // memory, 30 September 2020

“How can educational institutions, museums, memorial sites and civil society organizations preserve memory in a digital age? What kinds of digital tools can successfully engage an audience and also teach about history? These and other questions will be at the center of our online event on 30 September 2020.”


Invitation to an Online Symposium

The Future of Memory in Poland and Germany – Online Symposium on Digital Historical Education

30 September 2020, 11 am to 1 pm


How can educational institutions, museums, memorial sites and civil society organizations preserve memory in a digital age? What kinds of digital tools can successfully engage an audience and also teach about history? These and other questions will be at the center of our online event on 30 September 2020.

This symposium is part of the digital // memory program, funded by the EVZ Foundation since autumn 2019. Together with you, we want to celebrate the conclusion of the first year of digital // memory. Join us and our experts to discuss today’s challenges and opportunities of a digital historical-civic education!

Further information about the program and a registration link are here: https://pretix.eu/digitalmemory/symposium/. Please register until 26 September 2020.

Additionally, if you want to stay updated about the event, follow the event’s web page. If you want to learn more about the digital // memory funding program, follow this link.

We look forward to seeing you!

Team EVZ Foundation                               Team iRights.Lab


News article

Digital History Network – online!

Within the “Teaching History 4.0” project supported by the German Federal Foreign Office, IBB Minsk and IBB Dortmund have launched a Digital History Network and invite your organisation to join! What is it? It’s a platform for organizations, projects and initiatives using digital media and innovative IT solutions for analyzing historical events, conducting research, visualizing […]


Within the “Teaching History 4.0” project supported by the German Federal Foreign Office, IBB Minsk and IBB Dortmund have launched a Digital History Network and invite your organisation to join!

What is it?

It’s a platform for organizations, projects and initiatives using digital media and innovative IT solutions for analyzing historical events, conducting research, visualizing and representing data related to the past.

For whom?

It will be of use to historians, journalists, NGO representatives, history teachers, IT experts, designers and project managers, interested in developing a culture of remembrance in Europe, especially about World War Two events.

How does it work?

A short description about the platform is available here.

The Digital History Network encourages you to join the platform, as we are set to accumulate the best practices and success cases of digital history projects in one place. Apart from adding your organisation and projects, you can also post announcements of events and educational opportunities.

Please feel free to contact Lera Filipyeva, if you have any questions about the platform.

Contact: events@ibb.by
IBB Minsk, Lera Filipyeva

News article

Youth conference: The Good Human or the Human Good – Footprints of Modern Slavery

The Europeans For Peace is happy to announce that the 2nd EUROPEANS FOR PEACE youth conference will be under the claim The Good Human or the Human Good – Footprints of Modern Slavery. After last years‘ theme „Right here, right now: Human rights“ we want to gain a deeper insight on Article 4 of the European […]


The Europeans For Peace is happy to announce that the 2nd EUROPEANS FOR PEACE youth conference will be under the claim The Good Human or the Human Good – Footprints of Modern Slavery. After last years‘ theme „Right here, right now: Human rights“ we want to gain a deeper insight on Article 4 of the European Convention on Human Rights: „No one shall be held in slavery or servitude.“

This Article explicitly declares the prohibition of slavery and forced labor. This makes slavery officially illegal, but there are still numerous people worldwide living under conditions where they are being forced to work, facing threats and violence against them or their families. This youth conference will focus on this human rights violation, providing an overview not only of the history of the slavery and our colonial backpack but also of the current global situation.

What is our responsibility as active Europeans and global citizens? During the EUROPEANS FOR PEACE with workshops and discussions held by experts who champion human rights, we want to develop strategies for sustainable action and searching for concepts for a society where everyone is treated fairly and equally.

The event is organized jointly by the wannseeFORUM and the EVZ Foundation. Register now under www.youforpeace.org!

Also, join the Facebook event to stay updated:  https://www.facebook.com/events/640010563160447/

If any questions remain, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Please inform interested young people about the youth conference.

News article

Testowanie portalu “Wojna i pamięć” i trailer filmu

Zapraszamy do testowania nowej platformy online “Praca przymusowa 1939-1945. Wojna i pamięć” (www.edukacja.wojnaipamiec.pl) – razem udoskonalmy to narzędzie szkolnej i pozaszkolnej edukacji historycznej! Na tym portalu edukacyjnym świadkowie historii opowiadają o swoich osobistych przeżyciach w okresie nazizmu, szczególnie o pracy przymusowej na rzecz Trzeciej Rzeszy. Wywiadom towarzyszą zadania, które można wypełnić po zapoznaniu się z nagraniami, mapami […]

Zapraszamy do testowania nowej platformy online Praca przymusowa 1939-1945. Wojna i pamięć (www.edukacja.wojnaipamiec.pl) – razem udoskonalmy to narzędzie szkolnej i pozaszkolnej edukacji historycznej!
Na tym portalu edukacyjnym świadkowie historii opowiadają o swoich osobistych przeżyciach w okresie nazizmu, szczególnie o pracy przymusowej na rzecz Trzeciej Rzeszy. Wywiadom towarzyszą zadania, które można wypełnić po zapoznaniu się z nagraniami, mapami i innymi materiałami towarzyszącymi. Platforma przygotowana została w celach edukacyjnych oraz badawczych i jest związana merytorycznie ze stroną informacyjną www.wojnaipamiec.pl.

Na odpowiedzi w ankiecie: https://forms.gle/FYLWZvSsPRWRZau67 czekamy do końca lipca br.

nagrodę 10 osobom, wylosowanym spośród testujących, przekażemy roczną prenumeratę kwartalnika „Karta”.

Na portalu można obejrzeć film pt. Stracone lata 1939-1945. Terror, codzienność, praca przymusowaJego trailer udostępniliśmy na YouTube: https://youtu.be/KZfe43KFQpE
Trailer filmu Stracone lata 1939-1945.jpg
Zachęcamy do oglądania i testowania platformy!